A Strange Invitation

sermon- “A Strange Invitation” Matthew 22:1-14 In the Parable of the Wedding Banquet we come to understand that we have all been invited by God to a great banquet in heaven. But not all who are invited will choose to come and some who show up will show up ill-prepared

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Whose World Is It?

Sermon: Whose World Is It? 10/8/17 Matthew 21:33-43 tells the parable of the vineyard and the wicked tenants. In the parable, the vineyard represents Israel, the tenants are the Jewish religious leaders, the servants are the prophets sent my God, and the son is Jesus. Today, we can see that

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No Idle Worship

​”No Idle Worship” Matthew 21:23-32 Actions speak louder than words. In the parable, Jesus told of two brothers who were told by their father to go and work in the vineyard. One politely said, “yes,” but never did. The other rebelliously said, “no,” but later changed his mind and went

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Life’s Not Fair!

Life’s Not Fair! (Matthew 20:1-16) We are all employed to work in God’s Kingdom vineyard, but what is the nature of God’s wages? We know that the wages of sin is death, but what are the wages of God? 1) The amount is God’s decision, not ours. (Mt. 20:4) 2)

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Why Should I Forgive You?

Why should I forgive you? (Matthew 18:21-35) The guilty party might not apologize, confess, or ask for forgiveness. Do we forgive them because they’re worthy or deserving of forgiveness? Do we forgive because socially it’s expected of us? Here’s why– 1) Because Jesus commanded it. (Mt. 18:21-22) 2) Because God

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What Makes This a Church?

sermon- What Makes This a Church? (Matthew 18:15-20) The Church, as Christ intended, is two things– 1) Fellowship- a gathering of the people of God. 2) God’s Presence- the Spirit of the Living Lord in our our midst, working in us, shaping and gifting us, empowering us, and guiding us

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God’s Upside Down Way of Thinking

sermon: God’s Upside Down Way of Thinking (Matthew 16:21-28) Jesus told his followers that “whoever wants to save their life must lose it, and whoever loses their life for my sake will find it” It doesn’t make much sense to us in this world of ours, but God spoke through

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